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2024 Nordic Award

The Nordic Group of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists Associations (NML), which includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, are sponsoring this Award.


The aim of this award is to enable the Chief Delegate of an IFBLS Association Member, with restricted financial resources, to attend the 2024 General Assembly of Delegates (GAD) in Richmond, BC Canada, and promote the objectives of IFBLS.


The applicant must be officially appointed by his/her Association to be the National Chief Delegate at the GAD.


The Association must complete the application form, with explanation of the need for the award and a monitoring plan for spreading the information received at the 2024 IFBLS GAD meetings and Symposium. The name of the member who has been designated as the Chief Delegate must be submitted to the IFBLS office electronically by May 20, 2024.


The Nordic Group of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists Associations will be responsible for the selection of the award winner. Selection is performed in consultation with the IFBLS Awards Committee.


The deadline to submit applications to the IFBLS office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  is Monday, May 20, 2024.


The award consists of 20,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK) and up to 2 awards may be given (20,000 SEK each). The prize(s) are intended to facilitate attendance at the 2024 IFBLS GAD meetings and Symposium, and will be presented during the Awards Ceremony.

The prize(s) will be presented to the recipient(s) during the Awards Ceremony at the GAD in Richmond, BC.


Award recipient(s) and their association are responsible for booking travel, sickness and accident insurance, cancellation insurance, accommodation and travel visa, if relevant, well in advance of the meeting dates to obtain the best prices. The IFBLS office will provide a Letter of Invitation to the winner for the purpose of obtaining a travel visa.

The IFBLS and the Award Sponsors are not responsible for any loss or injury to the recipient arising out of his/her attendance at the GAD. Expenses incurred over and above the value of the award are the responsibility of the award recipient.

A copy of the travel itinerary and hotel confirmation must be submitted to the IFBLS office by September 1st, or the award will be forfeited.


The nominating association shall provide a monitoring plan for attendance at the program of the meeting.

It is requested that a written report from the award recipient(s) be submitted to the IFBLS office by November 15th, 2024.

Download the APPLICATION FORM here.